Level-Up Corporate Training Reports with Learning Analytics

While seat time, test scores, attendance sheets, surveys, and completion rates can tell the story of learner activity, what future actions can be inferred from that data?

L&D data can go deeper and reveal insights hidden in your training dataset. With learning analytics, it’s possible to tell a different story – how your training outcomes directly impact your unique organizational objectives so you can support data-driven decision making, across the business.

Training professionals discussing analytics.

Learning Analytics for Enterprise Training

The Administrate training operations platform uses machine learning models to cut training costs but it can’t work well unless our clients have a deep understanding of Business Intelligence and learning analytics. This collection of learning analytics content will help your team start your own journey to data-driven decision making.


Data-Driven Decision-Making for Enterprise Training

You have the training data, now put it to work.

Learn how to improve data literacy, dispel common learning analytics myths, and create a plan that puts your training data to work for the entire organization.

Illustration of various types of training data as a rainbow of colors being focused through a prism to create momentum.

Architect Your Impact

Understand how to leverage the foundational analytics that improve training effectiveness.

This guide explores the learning analytics that power true training intelligence.

Training professionals in planning meeting.

How to Report Training Impact

Engineering Your Training Data for Business Intelligence

In this guide, your team will rediscover the fundamentals of a strong learning analytics strategy and explore insights from two executives who have extensive experience leveraging intelligent reporting within the training industry. Begin upgrading your reporting strategy today, and learn how to identify and maximize strategic business opportunities with your training data.

Engineering team discussing training data.

Learning Analytics for Training Professionals

Learning Analytics for Training Professionals is a collection of videos, podcasts, and downloadable assets (featured at the end of videos) training professionals can use for inspiration when building a data-driven approach to training, and seeking to uncover meaning in training metrics.

Learning professional watching videos.

What Are the Attributes of Learning Analytics for Enterprise Training?

Data should always tell a story, and we believe that constructing a metrics-supported narrative is crucial to the long-term success of any L&D function specifically, but also to the business they support more generally.

Learn more about those methods:

  • Measurable

    It’s time to change your perspective on what’s measurable. You don’t have to limit your understanding of “numbers” to quantitative data. You can also look for trends in qualitative data connected to training objectives. Once you’ve identified a trend, ask questions about it.

  • Repeatable

    To capture data about trends effectively, focus on identifying the trends that will be most impactful for change. Employee and customer engagement can often be best gauged by how people interact with your training. Make sure you’re leveraging repeatable insight that’s actionable.

  • Actionable

    The data you reference, whether qualitative or quantitative, should inform an insightful, data-driven action for your company. As a learning professional, you can help decision-making across teams and continued company growth.

  • Reportable

    How can you report on your data? Do your reports reveal insights about your training KPIs? Many programs fail to report well when faced with data from multiple sources. Data-driven insights that are not shared, are not useful.

  • Relatable

    Training intel can be a force for good in driving the business. The reporting you send to key stakeholders within your organization can help drive the business forward by aligning your training program measurements with the organization’s strategic plan.

  • Oriented to ROI

    It is time for learning & development to move out of the cost center and into the profit center mindset. Training plays a vital role in how your company will approach change, new markets, and longevity. When you can connect training to profitability you’ll achieve the impact you set out to make.


On-Demand Webinar: Data-Driven Transformation in Enterprise Training

In this on-demand webinar, John Peebles, CEO of Administrate, shares his insights on how leading training teams are transforming their organization’s approach to key business growth goals by integrating learning analytics with wider business goals.

Explore how you can transform your training program with data-driven learning analytics and strategically leverage enterprise training Business Intelligence to impact your business’ bottom-line goals for growth and scalability.

Case Study

Learning analytics to drive data-driven decision making

When a maritime manufacturer came to Administrate, they were onboarding 6-12 new employees weekly, and they couldn’t afford to have a turnover rate of 50-60%.

They identified training as their key strategic advantage. By leveraging Administrate’s no-code reporting engine, Boston Whaler was able to pinpoint the causes and stressors of their employee turnover and dramatically reduce the rate.

Employees at the Brunswick blend factory.
Go beyond activity to insight

Implement Business Intelligence Reporting with QuickStart BI for Your Training Program

Administrate has helped hundreds of training organizations configure the right data architecture and reporting models to reflect their unique business objectives. We’re ready to help you.

  • Transform your data to tell your ROI story with the right reporting architecture.

  • Import your data into Administrate’s powerful reporting engine for accessible analysis and automated delivery. Our Data Readiness Guide will help.

  • Get up to 10 hours of consultation with Administrate’s training management experts to help with data validation, platform training and more.

QuickStart BI Reports That Move Your Business

In as little as 30 days, create high impact reports, including:

  • Course viability
  • Course occupancy
  • Staff Retention & Engagement with Training
  • Instructor performance
  • Risk Reduction in Regulatory Environments
  • Revenue/Earnings Per Employee and How Output Relates to Training
  • Compliance Audits Simplified

Find out how you can uncover meaning in your data.

Screenshots of Scheduler, an AI powered planning tool within Administrate, the user is adding an instructor and syncing calendars in real time