Course Management

Manage training courses

Use Administrate templates to connect LMS content to scheduling and resource data to quickly manage a catalog of thousands of courses.

Centralized Training Management

Centralized course & event management saves 300 hours

Create a course once, then automate event scheduling, booking, and enrollment.

Administrate connects LMS content to staff, resource, instructor, location and student data to create a comprehensive course management solution. Enter course information into an Administrate template once, then replicate it into any number of training events. These templates also power advanced automation, reporting, and scheduling.

Training team leader receiving sms notification that a worker was added to a course.
A screenshot of Administrate’s course and event management resource dashboard showing different medtech training courses for various locations managed in one place.

Manage Any Learning Mode

Manage classroom, vILT, and blended learning in one place

Administrate courses are built to manage any learning mode.

When you create a course in Administrate, you add information related to classroom, vILT, self-paced, or blended learning once then manage those modalities when you create new training events. This eliminates dependence on spreadsheets to manage different learning modes.

Conflict notifications

Stop training conflicts

Get immediate alerts about conflicts that could derail training sessions.

Never overbook a resource or deal with conflicting schedules again. Administrate tracks resource use and instructors schedules automatically and warns teams when there are conflicts that could impact a scheduled session.

Man receiving notification of scheduling conflict while using Scheduler.

Case Study

Roche boosts training ROI +300%

Roche Diagnostics uses Administrate to slash costs related to L&D course management. Days of planning reduced to just a few minutes.

A screenshot of Course Management dashboards in Administrate superimposed with images of medical training on a high-value CPR dummy, the screenshots of the course management dashboard show how resources such as a CPR dummy are managed in Administrate.

Scheduling Support

Quickly schedule sessions

Structure all of the training management requirements for a course in one place.

Course Templates are used to create any number of training events without creating conflicts. Set event specific information such as learning mode, start time, repeating schedules, and pre and post event deadlines. Because the Course Template is filled with management information such as resource and instructor data, events will warn you if there are conflicts and even suggest how to correct some types of conflicts.

Automated Certificates

Track achievements and award certificates

When a learner completes a course, they automatically gain achievements, badges, and certifications.

When a learner earns an achievement, it is stored forever on their profile. Earning achievements can trigger the automatic production of a certificate. Certificates are not limited to just digital badges or awards, some clients use this feature to automatically generate security access cards.

window for adding an achievement to a course template.
Training leader viewing a filtered task list

Team Tasks

Task workflows align teams

Organize tasks required to complete training events and automatically notify personnel when they need to act.

Task workflows are designed to keep your staff and instructors organized and efficient. Create a list of repeatable tasks, attach that to a course template. Now, whenever you create an event from that template, you will also automatically begin tracking due dates for various tasks.

Course templates allow us to enter information once, then build dozens of training events in minutes. We save hundreds of hours every quarter this way. This feature has replaced a web of spreadsheets for my team.
Brandon Beck, Vice President of Human Resources at Brunswick Corporation

Brandon Beck

Vice President of Global Talent, Brunswick Corporation

Additional Features

What else can Administrate do?

Explore course templates in person

Most training teams save about 300 hours a quarter just by using course templates. See how they could work for you.