Case Studies

How enterprise training teams use Administrate

Our customers deploy the Administrate training management system to automate training and save thousands of hours.

Browse case studies

Administrate can do the work of about 5 full time employees.
See how these teams put that time saved to use.

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    Training professional looks at a digital badge earned from Administrate, delivered to his Gmail inbox.
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    Medical professionals working on a computer in a lab.
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    Medical professionals consult the results of an MRI scan, one professional points to an image from the results.
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    Royal Caribbean Cruise ship sailing
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    underwater welder repairing boat hull

How will you use Administrate?

Imagine automating 90% of the tedious, but critical administrative tasks you do every day. Ready to see how you’d use the time?

Screenshots of the issues and alerts dashboard in Administrate showing conflicts with upcoming events.