
Get a demo of Administrate

See how leading teams use Administrate to transform training operations.

Want to see more? Get a personalized demo of the Administrate platform and explore how we can solve your unique training challenges.

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Trusted by hundreds of companies and millions of learners.

See Administrate in action

This five-step virtual tour highlights how the Administrate platform transforms training operations.

Frequently asked questions

A training operations platform, or what some call training management software, provides the foundation and core to learning tech infrastructure. It’s a platform that sits at the center of your learning tech stack to connect critical learning and business systems in one interface. With a training operations platform, you can keep your legacy software, LMS, and proprietary systems and integrate them with the platform. Connect training data across the business, manage complex scheduling logistics, and report on the correlation between training outcomes and organizational KPIs.

A platform approach frees your team to focus on strategic goals, not repetitive, time-wasting tasks. However, this short term benefit is only the beginning of what a platform can do for an enterprise training team. Administrate creates and maintains a robust data model of your training operations, and allows you to make data-driven decisions, forecast changes in training, and offer a powerful competitive advantage.

Administrate is priced to scale with your training team. When you buy Administrate, you’re able to pay for what you need, when you need it, while retaining access to everything our powerful training operations platform offers. When your needs change, or there are new opportunities to corner, Administrate changes with you.

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Put our platform to work, at a price that works for you.

Screenshots of the planning canvas in Scheduler, an AI powered scheduling tool available with Administrate. These screens show additional booking options.