Training management software

Live customer training for enterprise

Administrate is a training management system that gives you everything you need to manage live training at scale.

Illustration of a training team working in a boardroom around a laptop while alerts and notifications from Administrate float around them.

Trusted by hundreds of companies and millions of learners.

How it works

Administrate is built specifically for in-person training


Create re-usable resource templates for your training.


Get every training on the calendar in minutes without fear of double booking.


Handle all communication before, during, and after a training session.


Let Administrate solve your last minute problems for you.

Royal Caribbean Group logo.
From the reporting, to the automation, to the approval process, to the event creation—there are so many little things the system does and that I can use, it’s fantastic.

Maria Carcache-Jatib

Manager, Maritime Admin and System Support, Royal Caribbean Group

What you get

Go beyond the LMS: access a dedicated training platform

Optimizing your training technology goes beyond having the best LMS.

Course management for live training

Administrate courses are built to manage any learning mode.
Administrate consolidates course management into a single location. Manage courses in any modality—classroom, blended, e-learning, vILT—from a single interface. Easily manage resources as well, so locations, equipment, and materials are available at the right time.

Illustration demonstrating approved personnel, required communications, and available resources filtering through a course template for events.
Detail of the Scheduler’s booking conflict modal.

Quickly solve complex training schedules with help from AI

The platform can access learner and course data, scheduling requirements, compliance needs, instructor and resource availability and crunch the numbers to find the best plan for training events. No more cram sessions with a whiteboard—Administrate can do it in minutes. We call this unique tool Scheduler.

Deep communications templating tools

From the moment you create a new course in Administrate, you have options to automate some or all of the communications with learners, instructor, and admins. Stakeholders outside of the Training function can be included as well. Approvals can be sent to managers, reports to department heads, and summaries shared with senior management.

Illustration of a man using a laptop in his office as email tools and notifications appear around him.
An illustration showing how Administrate connects to popular software via integrations including Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Teams, Salesforce, and EdCast.

Powerful integrations with any of your tools

Administrate is a platform, and that means it comes ready with plenty of useful out-of-the-box integrations. Administrate also includes an open API called Administrate DX that is backed by continuously updated documentation for developers. This allows for rapid experimentation, improvement, and execution of custom integrations.

Personalized learning journeys that boost training efficacy

You can build a learning path in Administrate that takes a learner on a personalized journey, serving up the correct courses and assessments when needed. Learning paths can include a mix of digital, classroom, or blended learning experiences. When a student completes the entire journey, they can be awarded with a digital badge and/or certificate to celebrate their success. With Automatic Registration, students can be automatically registered on the correct learning path based on job role, and this functionality can be connected to an HR system to update in real-time when job roles change.

An illustration showing screenshots from Administrate’s learning path tool.
Two training professionals point to a laptop screen. To the right is an illustration of the document management and version control screens in the Administrate platform.

Document management and version control

All of your training documents and content can be stored in Administrate. Because our platform is cloud-based, documents can be accessed anywhere and are securely stored. Version control is built in, making it easy to identify changes to documents or revert to previous versions.

90% of your training automated in 90 days

From day one, we focus on meeting your specific goals. Our Professional Services team will guide you through implementation and then your Customer Success Manager will make sure you’re able to use Administrate to its fullest while keeping you up to date on all aspects of the platform.

Administrate team meeting up with customers at our Customer Summit.
Illustration of woman on laptop in her office while alerts and security certifications float around her.

Class-leading security you can trust

Administrate is a cloud-based platform, with a 99.99% uptime. We have worked hard to achieve some of the most challenging security certifications in the industry. As a global provider, we comply with privacy and security standards for various demographics, including GDPR, ISO, and SOC2 compliance.

Schedule a personalized demo

See how Administrate can solve your specific training operations challenges.

Screenshots of the planning canvas in Scheduler, an AI powered scheduling tool available with Administrate. These screens show additional booking options.