User Management

Powerful Learner, Instructor, and User Management

Easily access, enroll and manage learners, instructors, and users.

Training leaders reviewing the attendance panel of the user management panel in the Administrate Platform.

Precise and Secure Control for Everyone

Administrate gives you precise control over how learners, instructors, and administrators interact with your training program.

Training moves fast and training teams need efficient user management tools to keep administrators, learners, instructors, and other stakeholders aligned.

Administrate offers a host of learner and personnel management tools from single-sign on capabilities to automated registration, our training management system makes it possible to manage everyone from a single interface.

Learner Management

Automate and Simplify How Students Engage with Training

Learners find and receive the training they need, while you have complete visibility into their learning journey. Administrate’s learner management tools empowers learners to find, use, and celebrate the training they need.

Automatic Registration

Getting the right people into the right course can be time consuming. Administrate allows you to use registration rules to automatically assign new or existing learners to learning paths. This automatically starts a learning journey for your students. Registration can be triggered from a variety of criteria such as job role, compliance requirements, or work location.

Achievements and Badging

Administrate automates management of achievements and badging. Our platform connects to Credly out of the box, and can be configured to work with other badging systems. These integrations streamline how you award and track badges for your learners. These awards are tied to specific learning journeys, so when a learner passes a course, they receive their achievement automatically.

Training Passes

A training pass allows your students to find the courses they need, automatically register, and start receiving the training right away. Add selected courses to a training pass, make the pass available, and your learners can access any or all of the past-enabled content right away.

Configurable Learner Data

Administrate makes it easy to add custom fields to learner records. This makes it possible to monitor and report on any number of criteria. For example, suppose you need to track dietary requirements for your learners and instructors to facilitate lunch. You can easily add a custom field to track this information in the registration form. Then, quickly run a report, and send data to catering to ensure learners get exactly what they need for lunch. This is just one example – it’s possible to track a wide range of custom data within Administrate.

Instructor Management

Manage Complex Instructor Calendars, Keep Everyone Aligned

Communicate with and coordinate instructors with Administrate tools and integrations. Administrate tracks instructors as well as learners. It’s easy to find the right instructor for a course, balance workloads, or create reports on instructor performance, rates, and qualifications.

Monitor Instructor Availability

Administrate can easily integrate with and track instructor calendars in a variety of programs such as Outlook and Zoom. If you’re about to overbook an instructor, Administrate will warn you.

Report on Instructor Data

Instructor qualifications and performance can be tracked in Administrate. You can create custom reports showing which instructors rated highly for certain courses or with specific learners, see credentials and qualifications, and even see a summary of hours worked to distribute workload.

User Management

Administrators, Training Staff, and Stakeholders Have Different Needs, Administrate Has it Covered

It takes a team to deliver excellent training, Administrate’s user management doesn’t leave out critical support staff and stakeholders. Create permissions, tasks, and manage contact info for system users all from within Administrate.

Configurable User Permissions

Administrate’s training management platform allows you full permission control, whether at the group or user level. Create custom roles and rules of access that serve your training program. Team members, vendors, learners and other contributors can all gain the specific access they need, and nothing more.

Task Workflows

Administrate allows you to create task workflows that send automatic reminders to anyone involved with creating and managing training. For example, Administrate will notify training managers when new course documents have been uploaded from instructional designers and are ready for review, or can notify instructors when new material is available for their course. You can report on task completion data, so you can identify bottlenecks in your workflows.

Stakeholder Collaboration

Managers, senior leadership, compliance auditors, and other staff outside of the Training function may need to be part of certain training operations activities. Administrate extends all of the same task workflow functionality, powerful reporting capabilities, and precise visibility and permissions to users outside of Training, keeping everyone aligned.

See Administrate in Action

Get a personalized demo of Administrate and see how our platform makes it easy to manage the needs of everyone on your team.

Screenshots of Scheduler, an AI powered planning tool within Administrate, the user is adding an instructor and syncing calendars in real time