
How to Align Training Outcomes to Organizational Objectives

30 minute read

The steps, stages, and milestones of building momentum toward learning analytics.

How to Measure Learning Analytics

Explore the steps, stages, and milestones of building momentum toward training Business Intelligence.

Training teams can transform organizational decision making with learning analytics and a Business Intelligence reporting mindset.

This transformation is a journey that moves training data through an increased level of reporting expertise, beginning with information, moving to insight, and arriving at intelligence. Most importantly, this journey to intelligence is possible with the data your training team has on hand.

Plus, each stage provides a deeper level of analysis to your training team, and by extension, your organization – data-driven decision making will become more and more accessible as you progress through the stages.

In this guide, discover:

  • The levers that create mobility to each stage in the learning analytics journey.
  • The organizational attributes that define each stage of Business Intelligence maturity.
  • Insights into why, and where, teams get stuck along the way.

How Training Reports Can Evolve

  • L&D Data Can Dive Deeper

    Seat time, attendance records, completion rates, and certificates achieved are only half the story. How these metrics, and others, demonstrate business impact is where the real analysis lives. With a training management system, this is possible.

  • Telling the Story of Business Impact

    Traditionally, training teams use 9-12 different systems to manage training operations. Deeply connecting learning and business systems in one platform makes it possible to connect training outcomes directly to organizational KPIs.

  • Making Reports More Accessible and Intuitive

    Reporting on training outcomes shouldn’t rely on spreadsheet data lakes. Making those reports available to stakeholders shouldn’t require a complex chain of emails and document access either. Training reports can be simplified, automated, and intuitive for everyone.

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Getting started with learning analytics and a deeper reporting mindset begins with the data you have on hand, but it also relies on learning tech. Take stock of your learning tech stack. Pay particular attention to the systems closely related to the daily operations of the organization. For a manufacturing company, this could be the MRP, and for a software company, this could be the CRM. Also, have a good understanding of how money flows into the company. Equipped with this information, you’re able to better understand how training impacts these areas of the business.

If you spend a lot of time trying to find a “how” or “why” answer about your data, or you can’t find an answer at all, then it’s likely time to evolve the way you connect your data to organizational objectives. If more training automatically means more work to pull the data together, then it’s likely your reporting structure relies heavily on manual processes. And, if you’re relying on a maze of spreadsheets to manage your data, and also acquire data from key business systems, then it’s time to connect training data to business data in a training management platform.

It’s all about engaging with your data model. Downloading this guide will give you a better sense here, but you can start by understanding how and where data is stored. Obviously, you have a pretty good sense of that for your training operations, but what about the rest of the business? Understanding this is the first step toward connecting your training data to these systems, and beginning to tell the story of how training outcomes are impacting business goals.