Smarter Course Management

Unlock Advanced Course Management Tools

Administrate is a complete training management system with a deeply integrated, customized course management suite.

Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge England

Your Challenges, Our Solutions

  • Organize

    Manage your entire course development process with course templates, event management, and instructor and course scheduling.

  • Deliver

    Leverage certificates, evaluation forms, and student analytics to not only engage your learners better, but also to measure their level of engagement.

  • Plan

    Engage with instructors, manage registration, and automate communication so you can stop asking academic faculty to do more than just deliver courses.

  • Automate

    Use automated operational tasks — like course registration, student communication, and task management — to provide high-touch student value with fewer staff hours required.

  • Analyze

    Bring client, course, and financial information together in one reporting system so you can easily provide reporting on the value and impact of your program.

  • Scale

    Grow the impact of your professional education courses, and your engagement with continuing education students, with reporting to demonstrate ROI and automation to streamline your operation.

Full Control Over Course Development & Better Relationships with Academic Faculty

  • There’s no need to ask faculty to manage course registration, find vendors, and follow-up with students anymore for your short courses.
  • Course development streamlined and paperwork eliminated.
  • Financial data, student analytics, and course information reported on and brought together in one system.

How Universities Usually Work with Administrate


  • Administrate is not an off-the-shelf product, our solutions are configurable to your particular needs and we’re much more than just an LMS.
  • We help you bring the logistics of your short courses together in one platform, so you don’t have to ask your academic faculty to step in as administrators.
  • Our platform works particularly well with accredited, non-degreed courses, and in managing operational tasks for courses not specifically designed for undergraduates.

Learn More

Discover how you can reach more than just undergraduates and traditional students.

Screenshots of Scheduler, an AI powered planning tool within Administrate, the user is adding an instructor and syncing calendars in real time