
Understand Learning Analytics: Strategies for Business Intelligence for Training

30 minute read

Create reports that show your impact: this guide reveals a candid look at two learning leaders’ strategies for building more effective training reports.

Get Started with Business Intelligence with Unique Perspectives from Training Leaders

This ebook showcases what’s possible when enterprise training teams leverage Business Intelligence.

Training professionals often struggle with showing the impact that training has on organizational goals, and this quickly leads to conversations about how to leverage data to improve training operations. But getting started with Business Intelligence can be daunting, and until now, there hasn’t been an effective way for training teams to capture and leverage their data.

In this ebook you will:

  • Read candid fist-hand experiences, revealing how training leaders use learning analytics to improve training operations, simply training logistics, and forecast demand and opportunity.
  • Explore the attributes of Business Intelligence so you can engineer your own training data for maximum impact.
  • Get started with whatever data you have on hand and build more effective reports, forecasts, and gain deeper insights into your impact.
Administrate Ebook: Business intelligence strategies for training organizations

Why Training Leaders Are Focusing on Business Intelligence

  • Show Your Impact

    Business Intelligence is the most effective way to show training impact across the organization.

  • Identify Your Leverage

    Forecasting training demand, pinpointing causes for problems, and offering unique insights is easily in reach with well-planned learning analytics.

  • Connect Your Bottom Line

    In this ebook, training leaders reveal how they connect training directly to their bottom line – and share tips for you can follow their lead.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This ebook is a candid reveal of training leaders’ struggles - and victories - with building sophisticated Business Intelligence infrastructure for their training organizations. You’ll understand how Business Intelligence and associated learning analytics are being utilized in various industries, and how you can get started on your own data-driven journey.

Learning technology has long been an ad hoc environment. A solution may solve one problem very well, but there’s no true connectivity with other training software or larger business systems. In this ebook you’ll learn how training leaders evaluate, implement, and leverage on training management systems to provide the Business Intelligence infrastructure they need.

Business Intelligence for training goes far beyond just producing insightful reports. In this ebook, we showcase how training organizations are using Business Intelligence to forecast training demand, isolate critical business problems, and find solutions that would have otherwise been impossible to imagine. The difference is: the reports you’re using now are likely presenting data without context. Once you understand how your data connects to your bottom line, that data becomes almost like a crystal ball.

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Screenshots of the issues and alerts dashboard in Administrate showing conflicts with upcoming events.