4 minute read

20% Time Saved: Administrate and Roche Diagnostics

Caleb Shull

Former Copywriter

What could pharmaceutical trainers achieve if they had 20% more time? Administrate is helping teams at Roche Diagonstics leverage their full potential by streamlining hours of manual training management tasks.

The pharmaceutical industry’s vital role in the healthcare industry makes it a dynamic industry on the front-lines of medicine. At the same time, pharmaceutical companies face some of the strictest regulatory regimes in the world in order to ensure that medicines are being developed, tested, and utilized safely. This presents a challenge for pharmaceutical training teams and L&D operations – how to keep the pharmaceutical workforce compliant with strict regulations while also staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the field?

Addressing that challenge calls for an extremely efficient L&D operation globally, but Administrate’s work with pharmaceutical companies like Roche has shown that there are persistent issues on the management side that these companies are constantly striving to address. Thankfully, at Administrate, we’ve got first-hand experience in how to ensure that pharmaceutical L&D teams get the most out of their data and software.

The Challenges Facing Pharmaceutical L&D


With an enormous volume of content to be delivered to teams and learners around the world, pharmaceutical L&D often struggles with the monumental task of scheduling and coordinating events to ensure all learners get the training that they need, when they need it. Roche typically trains 1500 learners every month, on a variety of high-value, complex medical equipment.

There can be dozens of constraints controlling when an individual event can take place – learners, instructors, and resources all come with limited capacity that creates scheduling conflicts. Administrate has seen first-hand how many companies can spend hundreds of hours and large blocks of their year just creating workable schedules.

That’s why Administrate built the Scheduler. Scheduler takes advantage of the modular nature of courses within Administrate’s system to model large numbers of possible schedules and assess them for conflicts. Scheduler can detect whether, out of hundreds of training events, there are any double-bookings or overlaps, even down to the level of individual laptops within your system. For an industry like pharmaceuticals where global operations mean global logistics and all the resulting headaches, Scheduler can cut out an enormous amount of time spent assessing and constructing training schedules.

Data Access

Data access and management is a perennial challenge for L&D teams in almost all industries, but pharmaceutical companies are especially hurt when their training software fails to provide full and ready access to their data. Key stakeholders in national and regional offices around the world need to be able to assess and utilize training data in order to make critical decisions that drive compliance – yet often, mismatched formats, disconnected databases, and software that’s simply not designed with transparency in mind make reporting and leveraging training data a monumental challenge.

Administrate’s platform contains a deeply-integrated no-code reporting engine that ensures full visibility into any data that the program contains. Built on the design philosophy that your data should be fully available to you, without needing a developer to hunt down and extract your data, the no-code reporting engine ensures that reports containing any data desired can be easily constructed within minutes. This enables the kind of deep and continuous interrogation of your data that’s just not possible with many systems that offer only pre-generated reports.

Software Infrastructure

Administrate provides a level of deep integration that can entirely overhaul the technology stack of a pharmaceutical training team.

All too often, the distributed and global nature of pharmaceutical training creates many sub-teams or training hubs that can have completely different technology stacks, which slows down collaboration between teams and creates a massive bottleneck for efficiency while keeping costs high with duplication of effort.

Administrate is able to provide a single, centralized platform that can assume many of the functions of single-solution software tools popular on the market. And for those systems that companies want to keep, Administrate’s powerful GraphQL API can tightly interconnect those systems into the Administrate data model for maximum effectiveness. For Roche, that meant their training team was able to change their dynamic with other stakeholders, becoming a consultant sharing critical insights.

Administrate Helps Pharmaceutical Enterprise Rapidly Plan Master Schedules

Administrate has hands-on experience helping Roche Diagnostics revolutionize the way that they structured training software and managed L&D operations. To read about that success story and see how the Administrate platform could overhaul, take a look at our case study.

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20% Time Savings: Pharmaceutical L&D And Administrate

Discover how Administrate and a global pharmaceuticals company partnered to build a robust platform for worldwide L&D.

Caleb Shull was a Copywriter at Administrate.


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