4 minute read

How to Plan Your Training to Align with Business Outcomes

Rob Walz

Content Marketing Manager

How to Align Training Needs with Business Outcomes

Planning strategies in Administrate

This blog is part of the How to Align Training Needs with Business Outcomes blog and video series. In this article, we explore how a training management platform allows training teams to plan training and learning management as a cohesive system, revealing the advantages of a fully interconnected solution. Check out the video below to see this cohesion in action!

Administrate’s unique platform approach to training operations means critical features, tools, and systems are connected within Administrate and externally to organizational systems. Working as an ecosystem, these features can influence, trigger, and scale with each other. Administrate offers a host of daily improvements, such as robust calendar and document management systems, but the real value from our software is in how you can leverage the Administrate data engine to energize your strategy.

See how Administrate simplifies training management. 

Keep training calendars synced

Managing complex course catalogs, diverse learner segments, and instructor schedules takes time and is prone to simple human error. Administrate brings all of the components of your training program together, making it easy to keep everything (and everyone) synced.

You can sync calendars for your trainers, resources, and training events into a single view. If there are conflicts with a training event – for example if an instructor is on holiday or a piece of equipment is not available – Administrate will notify you right away. These real-time alerts help you stay on top of training resources, locations, and schedules. Workflows can even be set up to trigger from notifications, alerting other team members if they’re needed. For example, if an instructor is not available, you can automatically notify another instructor to see if they can lead the course.

Connectivity to the calendar is spread throughout Administrate’s training management system, so you can connect different tasks back to the calendar, or trigger automations based on date or calendar responses.

Everything synced in a single calendar

Automatic Version Control Makes Audits Easy

Planning for compliance audits is easier with Administrate.

All of your critical training documents, such as training manuals, SCORM files, and signed documents can be stored in Administrate. These files are securely stored on cloud servers, accessible to your team anywhere, protected by permissions you set up. Administrate automatically versions every document it stores, making it easy to see which version of a document a learner interacted with, simplifying the completion process for many common compliance activities. Security is top of mind as well, user permissions can be set at the file or folder level, making sure team members have the correct access.

Document Management Screen Shot

Data-Driven Insights Energize Strategy

Beyond the quality of life improvements a single source for training operations brings, there is a much larger benefit afoot in the background: data capture and organization.

Most training teams have to deal with a disconnected mess of learning tech, spreadsheets, offline and online documents all while managing an ever-growing list of learners, instructors, and courses. This mess torpedoes productivity for training managers, of course, but also silos the important levers driving your programs, making it difficult to know how your training is impacting the business. This in turn makes it very difficult to plan and execute a winning strategy.

At its heart, Administrate is a data analytics engine. As Administrate collects previously disconnected data form all of your training initiatives, the platform becomes the single source of truth for learning analytics. Once you’ve got the data in a single place, you can analyze it for context. This data analysis is easy to do in Administrate and is what leads to powerful insights.

When you connect the metrics you already have to business outcomes, it becomes possible to forecast future states as well. This is where Administrate really shines as a planning tool – now you can craft training programs that proactively address business challenges while showing your impact. For example, you could use data from across the organization to forecast a sharp demand for a particular skill set and plan a training program that trains up staff to meet anticipated demand.

Once you are able to answer questions about how training is impacting business outcomes, what and how you plan will change dramatically.

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Robert Walz is Content Marketing Manager at Administrate.


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