50 minute read

Building For The Future Of Learning Tech: AI And Headless Architecture

John Peebles headshot.
John Peebles
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Webinar: Building for the Future of Learning Tech - AI and Headless Architecture with John Peebles for CLO.

Included In This Discussion

  • Exploration of fundamental challenges facing L&D teams as they navigate technology decision-making.
  • A breakdown of the data requirements underlying high-capacity L&D AI tools.
  • Discussion of the history and applications of headless architecture.
Watch the webinar
WEBINAR | Building For The Future Of Learning Tech: AI And Headless
Slide that shows a diagram of the "black box" of LLMs.

Driving AI Tool Support

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly-emerging field, and it’s difficult to predict what the next few years might look like.

But to find success in the future, we need to start laying the groundwork today. Join Administrate in developing high-capacity software infrastructure for enterprise L&D.

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Screenshots of Scheduler, an AI powered planning tool within Administrate, the user is adding an instructor and syncing calendars in real time